Paper Lion - 2013

$25.00 Double Fan


Paper Lion - 2013

Paper Lion takes its name from the appearance of being so delicate, not unlike a fine handmade paper, when in fact its' lions mane of a cascading-spatulate form withstands intense summer temps with great strength. A lime green throat reaches out, over the pale yellow self, along the mid-rib. Paper Lion has a subtle, yet strong garden presence, & blooms from the 1st week in July to the last week of August in my zone 5 garden, & a sib to my Mad Dogs And Englishmen.

(Brave World x Unk) X Heavenly Curls.

Hgt: 34"
Bloom: 5-6"
BR: 2 way (terminal Y)
BC: 16-18
Form: UF Cascade-Spatulate
Mid / Late season


Contact Info

RavenCroft Cottage
110 Clinton Rd.
Jordan, NY, 13080
P:315 689-7841
Lily Auction Username:Ravencroft

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